Friday, 12 December 2014

Zelda Extreme Challenge Seven: The Demon

We're nearly finished with this challenge already, but I imagine these last three dungeons will probably take us longer than the first six combined. I'm not looking forward to Death Mountain...

One of the best secrets in the First Quest, finding the way into level 7.

And this labyrinth marks our second and last appearance of Moldorm in the First Quest.

I've seen a lot of people complain about this clue, but I think it's fairly helpful as far as finding your way around.

Usually I just ignore this Digdogger, but since we have to kill all the boss monsters, we'll use the cheap bomb exploit on it.

The exact same thing with these Dodongos...

I most certainly would. Those Dodongos really tapped me out.

This is the first Digdogger in the game that splits into three, but it's still no harder than the others if we fight it cheaply.

And yet another confusing room for new players. After all, all of the shops that sell bait are hidden behind trees, walls, or an Armos statue, so the average player might not even know how to find that item by this point, even if they did guess to use it on this hungry Goriya.

You've served me well, enemy bait... I'm very sad to see you go. Am I allowed to buy more, actually? I can't really use my money for anything else except bombs or arrows...

Another well-hidden room that I had forgotten about until I saw a map of this level again.

Hooray, the Red Candle! I imagine we'll use this item a grand total of one time.

I'm honestly taking a huge amount of damage in this labyrinth, but Blue Goriyas frequently drop hearts and fairys, and since I only have a maximum of three hearts, I can constantly heal back to full health.

And the last two Moldorms in the game! I'll truly miss you, you weird things.

And the last Digdogger in the game. I won't miss you at all.

I can't wait to bomb some Dodongos?

After killing them, we can leave to the room on the right: The tip of the nose.

Wallmasters are easily taken care of with the magical rod, and these Bubbles are a mild annoyance at worst.

Aquamentus is somewhat easier this time around since we don't have to hide next to the door it's guarding to dodge the Heart Container.

A demon completed! We now just have to finish the Lion and Death itself.

All in all, this level was rather easy, maybe on par with the Snake labyrinth. Unfortunately, I can't imagine the Lion being so easy...

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