Monday, 8 December 2014

Zelda Extreme Challenge Six: Unfinished Business

Just a short update today since finals are coming up quickly, so my life is basically studying now. We're going to finish up dealing with the Lizard and the Dragon for now, so this won't really be a content-heavy update.

We come towards the Dragon from the Lost Woods this time instead of from over Death Mountain. So while we're here, why don't we explore the cemetery?

I know we can't have it, but... just let me bask in its glow for a while and pretend...

We nearly run out of bombs, but manage to pass the Wizzrobes that cut us off last time. Yay progress!

Gohma is still a joke, maybe even easier than Aquamentus. Fire an arrow right as you enter the room, and you win.

There is one room on the map we haven't visited, but it's full of Wizzrobes and the door locks behind you. Without any bombs, that would put an end to us, so we'll just grab the Triforce Shard and come back for that last room after.

Besides, the Triforce Shard will let us teleport here with our recorder and save on travel time.

First thing's first, a quick back warp to level five!

Let's clear these Pols Voice out of the way and then bomb upwards to save a key.

First room of three!

I'm sadly not paying enough attention and use up 8 bombs when I should have only wasted six. In any case though, the Dodongos are dead and we can enter the room to the left. Second room of three!

And third room of three! Apparently this old man was hinting at Pols Voice being weak to arrows (Oh, that's another use of arrows over the magic wand!) since in the Japanese version, he says, "Some beings are weak to sound". I always used to think this was a hint to Ganon's weakness, or maybe Gohma's, but nope.

In any case, we're done with the Lizard completely. We'll finish off with the Dragon.

Instead of going up to Gohma, we head downwards to the last unexplored room in the labyrinth.

Yep, trapped in with enemies we can't even touch. We're just going to save and quit...

But first, we check out our map to make sure we've explored the entire labyrinth, and we have. What exactly is the Dragon supposed to look like? I guess the lower half is its tail and the upper-right area is its head, but what's the middle part that's sticking out supposed to be?

Regardless, the next dungeon to do is the Demon. Ominous.

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